Monday, March 3, 2008

Just Another Monday

I was awakened at 5:45 this morning by Caleb letting me know there was a 2 hour delay for the start of school. Really? You mean I get to stay all cozied up under the covers for another hour? Uh huh, yeah right. Not 15 minutes after receiving the news of the delay, I was summoned to prepare yet another 'ba-ba milk', by a very demanding and sleepy-eyed toddler. Oh well, at least I got to fantasize about spending the morning sleeping. Some day, when all of my children are grown and off on their own, I'll get to sleep in, right?

After a whirlwind of a morning, I got the kiddos all off to school and met my Mom at Costco. We talked a lot, chased Sam, drooled over the bags of chocolate dipped peanut butter pretzels... I love hanging out with my Mom. I only hope that Gracie likes to hang out with me when she is all grown up. She likes to hang out with me now, but she hasn't yet discovered all things embarrassing about me, I suppose. I don't think I'm that embarrassing, but I'm sure that time will come, sooner than I'd like to think. Such is the circle of life.

Josh started his twice a week reading tutoring tonight. He was all but thrilled with having to go to school all day, then come home just to turn around again to go and learn some more. When I asked him if he liked his tutor, he just looked at me like I was insanely nuts, and handed(threw)me a pile of cards with sight words on them. He pretty much flounced off after that, and I've not seen him since. My guess is he's hiding out for fear of having to do more. He'll be so pleased to know he still has some homework to do. <----insert big eye roll here---->

As for the little guy that I wrote about yesterday, he is doing amazingly well with his new heart. The hand of God was very apparent in his situation, and I am in awe of how big He is!

Signing off to carry a whiny, sleepy little girl up to her bed.

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