Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 75: The Countdown is at T-Minus 4 days!

I am not obsessing over how many (or how few) days are left until school starts, really. Actually, I've not even done the school supply shopping yet.

Anyway, I went to the hospital for my follow up thyroid ultrasound this afternoon. It was maddening great fun. Especially toting the kids with me. A year ago I had this same ultrasound with abnormal results (a questionable nodule was found) so I had to go back and have it done again to make sure nothing even more questionable is going on. The techs eyes didn't bug out of her head, nor did she run from the room to call my doctor, so I'll just assume all is okay. Two or three days from now I'll know for sure.

Eli and Caleb will be going to CAMP tomorrow. No, it's not a week long or even an overnight thing, just one day. It's called Emergency Skills Camp. They'll learn CPR/first aid, take a field trip to our local emergency dispatch center and more. It is free and ALL day. Enough said.

I will be heading to a girlfriend's house for coffee and conversation while the boys are at camp. I love that. Can't get enough of it. I don't think I've ever had such good friends as I've made in this last year. I love it. Up until this last year, I really felt like a loner. Out of place, really. The friends I've made lately are the ones that I've waited all my adult life for. Love you guys :)

Well, the grill is sizzling hot, just waiting for me too add the Garlic Lemon Chicken that has been marinating all day. Yummmm...can't wait! I'm getting out of the house tonight (sans CHILDREN!) for a brainstorming meeting with the gal that I will be a hospitality co-coordinator with this year for MOPS. Yay me...I can't wait to cut loose for a while.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you have awesome friends now - and that they are helping you out and treating you well - you deserve to be treated well! Just don't forget the friend you've had for years and years and years and years.

I love you STEPH!!!!