Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 1...Sort Of

The kids had a half day of school today, so I guess 'officially' it's not really day 1 of summer vacation, but for all intents and purposes, we'll just say it is.

I had to pull myself away from school today--I just didn't want to face the fact that it's over and I am on my 'own' until August 11. I LOVE all of the kids teachers, and I appreciate each and every one of them tremendously. I suppose I probably take advantage of dropping the kids off every morning and peeling out of the parking lot...and that 'advantage taking' really makes itself apparent come the end of school.

Oh my...the palpitations of my heart are numerous today.

Holy anxiety Batman!

I am so hoping I can give the kids a wonderful, memorable summer. A summer full of fun and relaxation, not of fighting, yelling and stress. But, seeing as how bad it's gone since their release at noon today, (and it's only 3:15pm now) I'm a little nervous. You all know I'm just kidding, right? I'm not really that inept! (ha ha!)

I'm off now to wash and put away school uniforms, pull out shorts and swimsuits, and stow the lunch boxes in the closet.

Wish me luck. Pray for me. Whatever you want to do. (really, seriously, pretty please?)

1 comment:

mums_hugs said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog Steph. I love reading your blog and I check in here most days. I am glad for you that you and your DH are working things through. Having God in your life seems to make alot of difference. That's where I was when I made the decision to renew our vows. I hope HE comtinues to do beautiful things with your life.